Exam Preparation - 2 sessions


Exam Preparation - 2 sessions

from CA$100.00

Ask your teacher for sample exams from the past! Working together, we review sample exams with each student and prepare them to write the upcoming exam or quiz.

In the first session, we ask each student to write their sample exam on-site under our supervision to simulate a real-time experience. We mark these exams off-site.

In the second session, we review with the student how they approached and answered each question. We make recommendations to further prepare them to write the exam.

Our pricing is determined by the amount of time required per the type of exam or quiz.

This is an intense and exciting time where each student is called upon to exercise and demonstrate their new skills, awareness, and knowledge in mathematics! We're honoured to participate in this milestone!

Prerequisite: Introduction

Exam Type:
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