Estimating the answer

Know when estimating answers to mathematical problems is useful

I had a conversation recently with a high school teacher about estimating what the answer might be to a math problem. I have a couple of opinions on this topic.

My first opinion that this approach tells me that the student has no confidence in her-his answer. My assumption is that the student is learning new skills, and therefore estimating is a distraction to the focus required to understand what they're being asked to learn.

My second opinion is that estimating the length of a straw or the number of marbles in a jar is a valuable skill that enables us to relate meaningfully to the physical world.

I had another conversation on this topic with my older son who is a Chartered Accountant. He said estimating is a valuable tool for him when he has to think on his feet and provide a credible estimate in fast-paced meetings. My son has the skills to understand the problem, but not the time to figure out the precise answer. In this case, the estimate allows people in the meeting to grasp the number and move on. I can see the value of estimating in this situation! Contact us!