Getting a Grasp on Math!

When I first started tutoring, I noticed something in every student that was an unexpected discovery for me.

I noticed that students who struggle in math class because they've missed some of the fundamentals withdraw into a shell of self doubt. They may be doing well in other subjects, but math is a challenge for them. They stop participating in math class, their marks start to drop, and their self confidence plummets. 

But when they are in a focused tutoring session with me where their usual distractions of phone-text messages-Facebook-friends-TV-games-family are missing, they pay attention. They answer questions, discover new tools, become curious about how to solve math problems, and gain confidence using their new-found tools.

With a renewed sense of self and confidence, they begin to get a grasp on what math is about, experience success with their new set of tools, and figure out how to approach solving problems. They blossom. They come out of their shell. They are empowered. Inevitably this leads to higher marks and participation in class.

It's magical to watch a student go through this process. Contact us!